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October 1, 2012

American Dream Deferred by Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Though we've made significant strides combating this devastating illness, thousands will be diagnosed this year - many of them in our community. Food & Friends is committed to supporting individuals living with breast cancer. We are grateful for your support and partnerships with organizations like The Avon Foundation for Women who help make services for people like Ana Posada possible. Ana is a loving grandmother of 4 whose biggest dream is to watch her grandchildren grow up. Breast cancer tried to end this dream but, with the help of her family and Food & Friends, she's still going strong.

Ana Posada became an American citizen over a year ago. She was proud to be at a point in her life where she could build a better life for herself and her family. That was until one day when she felt extreme pain in her abdomen and chest. Thinking that it was nothing serious, Ana didn’t go to the doctor. But, after a few days the pain became so unbearable that she could barely move. Finally, Ana’s daughter insisted she go to the hospital.

Food & Friends' delivered meals help Ana
fight breast cancer.
Ana heard her diagnosis with disbelief and fear – it was breast cancer. How could she have cancer? How was she going to pay for treatment without insurance? The doctors kindly assured her they could remove the tumors that were growing inside her body. They also promised to connect her to social service organizations that could help pay for the extensive procedures.

Within a matter of weeks, Ana was able to get the surgery she needed and, once home, she began receiving meals from Food & Friends. “It made me so happy. I was not alone,” says Ana. “Love is all around, because there were so many people helping me.”

While going through chemotherapy treatments, Ana stays with her daughter and grandchildren. Not being able to work, Ana spends her day taking care of her grandchildren. The meals Ana receives are not only providing much-needed nutrition, but they ease the burden on her family.

“I am in too much pain to work. Food & Friends meals make it easier on me and my family – without it, I would have to depend on them a lot more.”

Ana's family has supported her through her battle
with cancer.
As Ana continues fighting breast cancer, she is very thankful to have the support of her family and community. And, thanks to organizations like Food & Friends, Ana is living the true American dream – watching her loved ones live a better life.

“I am so grateful and feel like a brand new woman,” says Ana with tears in her eyes. “I am very happy because I will be able to watch all of my grandchildren grow up.”

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